Friday, November 11, 2011

11.11.11 ~ A Wish for Humanity

When I was a little girl I had such an enormous heart. It is still big, but nevertheless it is deeply touching to remember the pureness, the wisdom, the love that that little girl carried. Yesterday the 10th of November, I lit a candle, a wish for humanity. I was united with  beautiful souls that came to share and experience the power and the mystery of 11.11.11 together* Going into stillness, receptive as the all-embracing water, I saw the image of that little girl and remembered her evening prayers. Every night she would ask the Divine to "please blow the dust away". The dust 'on top' of the Light in the heart that every human being was born with. Preventing it from shining its brightest. I think this is so beautiful and so sincere! With deep reverence and Love I reconnected with that little girl's pure heart and intention. Therefore on the full Moon in November,  in a Magical Garden in Denmark, I lit my candle with a Wish for Humanity from a little girl in Iceland.

Today, on the Magical 11.11.11, I received this simple yet profound message from the Cosmos:
When we invite the Light into our hearts and we welcome it, all our energy centres, the chakras, our eyes or belts, are synchronistically activated and opened. The heart is neither male nor female. The heart is where masculinity and femininity melt together and become ONE. Fire and Water. Harmony and Balance. To BE from the HEART is the simplest, most effortless way to be the light pillars we are and connect to Mother Earth and Father Sky, to be the Rainbow Bridge and beat as ONE with the Universal Heart.

Love to All on this Majestic and Miraculous day*
Yours sincerely, Sóley* 

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