.i will write more tomorrow, maybe a little update :-)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Post 080808 post
.i love being back in Denmark. It's absolutely wonderful. Laura mentioned blogging so I remembered my blog again. Not that I was active but I think it is a great way of getting things out of your head and especially if you like writing, it's perfect!!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
My Birthday *
My 29th birthday came flying in the window with such joy and happiness, and revelation about things that I was hoping for but didn't have the guts to ask.. Until NOW! Feel good, feel happy, I'm laughing and time is passing, spring is def. here and I think things are just gonna be.. OK... hihihihihihihi. fantastic, fantastico, brilliant, amazing, happy happy joy joy
Sunday, April 6, 2008
"As above, So below"

.this is pretty much how I'm feeling at the moment. Strange but true
.mér finnst eins og það sé hula að falla á milli heima, hvort það er á milli mín og annarrar víddar, sem hingað til hefur verið utanum einhvernvegin eða umhverfis, eða hvort það er ákveðin hula sem er að leysast upp innra með mér.. svarið við því er einmitt það sem er að koma í ljós. Samtvinnaður veruleiki
.það sem innra ER, ER umvefjandi og það sem ER hið ytra ER kjarninn manns
.mér líður eins og eftir að hafa verið með mynd af paradísarströnd upp á vegg hjá mér allt mitt líf og safnað og safnað fyrir ferðinni til þess að komast þangað, að þá sé ég núna loksins komin á ströndina, Í ALVÖRUNNI. Leik við sandinn með tánum og baða mig í sjónum. Það er svo gott að finna sjávarfaðminn svona ferskan og mjúkan og svo ilmandi. Blómin brosa framan í mig fjólublá, gul og appelsínugul. Ég sveifla mér í trjárólunni sem var svo áberandi á myndinni og alltaf er ég með sjóndeildarhringinn fyrir framan mig. Hann minnir mig á það að ég er lifandi á jörðinni núna. Minnir mig á rythma lífsins, hjartslátt móður jarðar. 'Samverund' alls lífs, þess sem er í sjónum og á föstu landi. Hvernig sólin sígur og máninn tekur við, bæði svo fús til að gylla og silfra hafsflötinn, minnir mig á að við erum partur af sólkerfi og á hverju kvöldi stíga stjörnurnar fram og leika hlutverkið sitt, leika við ímyndunaraflið mitt
"As above, So below"
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The Timeless Zone
What is the floating time zone?
The floating time zone is used when there is no known time zone that can be used, or when you simply do not care about time zones for what you are doing. If you compare a floating time with a time with a time zone using either the compare method or one of the overloaded comparisons (==, etc.) then the floating time is converted to the other zone for comparison
Source: http://datetime.perl.org/index.cgi?FAQTimeZones
.a good description of how I've been floating between time and dimension, my timeless zone for the Time being, and since I wrote the only thing I've written since I came, and that was.. a MONTH AGO?? last week? or was it in February?
.pictures say more than 1000 words, so I guess video clips say.. hmmm.. a lot ! So here comes..
~ One Thousand and a lot of One Nights ~

.before I left Chicago I bought a camera
.isn't my love just the most gorgeous man
* my eyes and heart say yes *
.the winter wonderland view from my room
Well, problems with uploading my videos so I suppose it's gonna have to be
.to be continued
Friday, February 15, 2008
New Comfort Zone in the Making
Snow covered little castle, detox, vegetables, unsecurity, beautiful surroundings, two old dogs, deva premal, another dog, 5 horses, snow snow snow, hot tub, buddah head burried in the snow, wind pipes in a tree, feels like I'm in heaven, calm and quiet, squirrel, fisher (nasty animal), frozen lake covered in snow, mystic fog, relaxation, yoga, morning mantra, hot water with lemon maple syrup and cayenne pepper, big fire place, King Arthur, walking in the forrest, snow shoeing, mud bath, massage oils, essential oils, self-doubt, alkaline based diet, craving chocolate on a very high level, more detox, himalayan salt detox bath, head massage, facial, my cozy room, room 5, extention 230, no wireless internet, missing Kristjan, mission and vision, Madeleine Marentette the owner, nice staff, guests in massage slippers and silk robes, I also got a set, feeling sometimes like I'm in the way, the marketing department and I, soley@grailsprings.com, feeling isolated, alone in the castle, Lancelot and Galahad, Kotler is my new best friend, delicious food, Ohh my god delicious food, deeetoooxx, waiting for meal times, those are the best times of the day, royal colours, the scent of burning wood all the time, Breakfast 8, Lunch 12.30, Dinner 18, yet another dog, this one called Sandy, gorgeous bed, fresh linen, feel like a princess, organizing notes, made a true friend, Christine, crystals and a fountain, softness, getting more and more oriented, flowers, cool big lamps, statue of Quan Yin, sofas in the great hall, blankets and patterns, Desperately Seeking Wireless Internet, Marcia and her healing hands and presence, hunger between mealtimes, almonds, apples, prunes, tea tea tea, hemp seeds, love it when they serve chicken and fish, not missing coke or soda at all!!, soy products bad for us, tofu a big no no, trip to town, Bill bought me a cup of coffee and a chocolate chip cookie, yummie yummie yummie...................
lacking a social life, peaceful environment, relaxation, sleeping a lot, going to bed at nine o'clock, alone after 22, The perfect place but with out my friends, making new ones, thinking positive, Denise, Sherry and Andrea are really really nice, Alexi (one of the chefs) told me she'd take me to Toronto one day, JEIIj, fitness room, best opportunity in the world for me to start building the foundation for my future, spiritually, mentally and physically, feeling optimistic, excited, have projects lined up, going out tomorrow, missing Kristjan, will hear life music tomorrow evening, going with Christine, she'll bring me chocolate when she returns :-) :-D
Saturday, January 26, 2008
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