Friday, October 31, 2014

Who's That Witch?

It’s Halloween, the All Hallows Evening, or All Saints Eve. In many cultures around the world, now is a time of celebration and honoring. There are a lot of different themes to these celebration activities, and they differ a lot between nations and religions. To a great extent these celebrations derive from similar set of beliefs, which over time, as the original source branched out, have taken on their own identities. One key aspect still remains, at least here in the Northern Hemisphere, and that’s darkness. We have reached winter. We celebrate the return into the void. Here, Mother Earth rests, reserves her energies.

As I’m into all things Goddess, I’m fascinated about the role of women in old lore, myths and stories from the past (and of the future!) I’m a story teller and a visionary, so it suits me fine. I love to follow the seasons and feel the energy change as different Goddesses enter the world stage, at their appointed hour. Now as we are in darkness, we are accompanied by the Wise One, the Crone aspect of the Goddess.  I think it's absolutley shocking how her image has been utterly distorted through time, as she is the mighty one, her powers potent with the wisdom of all the phases of womanhood; Maiden, Mother and Queen. She goes where others fear to tread. She is the last one standing. Truth embodied. She holds a light to guide others as they roam the dark, on their inner paths. She knows the way. 

Among the many Crone Goddesses is Greek/Egyptian/Roman/Celtic Hecate; the torchbearer, the one standing at the crossroads holding the key, associated with the dark~new moon, the bridge between death and rebirth. Native American Spider Grandmother; the cosmic master weaver, she who creates from a central source, uniting, respecting all and everyone, the one who teaches us human survival skills. Kali; The destroyer of stagnation, the energy who has the power to free us from old habits and patterns often brought forth by our frightened ego-selves. All these Goddesses, or energies, symbolize change, transformation and rebirth. So you see, the power of the Crone energy is Universal, though it is present over the world in various forms. 

I guess the distortion, the misrepresentation of the great Crone power gradually happened over time, when her-story became his-story, due to massive fears. As a result we became more and more disconnected with our Great Mother Gaia, with her cycles and rhythms. We started to fear the dark, to fear death. The energy of the Crone was turned into something dark and gruesome. The great Wise One became the old hag with a wart on a broom, stirring the cauldron. I suppose you are seeing what I'm getting at here, it is kind of funny in a way. I mean if you like to play with the imagination you can well imagine how the cauldron can be seen as representing the deepest feminine aspect, the womb, the spiral, creation, women’s power. So, yes, it is kind of upsetting and amusing at the same time how during the transition from matriarchal to patriarchal how somehow the beauty of the Crone power was turned into the evil witch. Something to fear. Hmmmmm... food for thought right? 

But, I seriously doubt she minds or worries over her distorted image! She probably just laughs at it. I mean she knows her powers. She, we, … we know our true strengths. The crone seeks no more. She has been there, done that! She is unafraid. Nothing pulls her off center. She is both the center and the outskirts, and everything in between, in continuous flow. Whole. She sees the whole picture. She is the eternal wisdom. She knows. She simply knows.... She is the unknown. 

Honouring the turning of the wheel at this time of year, in any way, form or style we feel in alignment with, is a great way of reconnecting with our roots, with our wild divine nature. To connect to our authentic selves. Darkness is just as much a part of us as light is. At Winter Solstice we will celebrate the birth of light again, but until then let’s BE HERE. Let’s face the dark. Its ok, I promise. It offers the opportunity for much transformation. It might not be easy for all of us, but we can do it. If we get lost and afraid we can ask the Crone to guide us through the labyrinth, she knows the way. She is more than willing to accompany us, to hold the torch for us so we can see in the dark, so we can find our way home, find the courage to use our minds to live with heart. We only need to call on her, ask for her guidance, dare to face that ‘witch’ ;)

Much Love & Embrace Sóley

(Repost from 2012 +minor alterations)

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